What is a concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO), and what does it mean that nearly all farm animals in the U.S. are now raised in them? Factory farms are a major change from how livestock was traditionally raised, and the billions of gallons of manure produced by these facilities are causing major problems for neighbors, the environment and anyone downstream. Independent family farmers and rural communities are facing the brunt of these consequences, but they're not going to take it lying down.
In this episode, hear from Rebecca Wolf, Senior Food Policy Analyst at Food and Water Watch, along with Iowa CCI's Barb Kalbach and Dakota Rural Action's Kathy Tyler on the pollution crisis created by factory farms, and what it means for those living nearby.
References and further readingHow to Fight a Factory Farm is produced by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, a member of the Campaign for Family Farms and the Environment. Thank you to our intern, Anna Karns, for her assistance producing this series, and to Noah Earle for the use of his song “Fry an Egg” for our theme music. Learn more about the Campaign for Family Farms and the Environment at fightfactoryfarms.org.