#120 How to Successfully Negotiate a Higher Salary at Work

The 360 LeadHERship Podcast

Apr 10 2024 • 24 mins

Do you go blank when it comes to using your voice and negotiating your salary as your responsibility grows?

Negotiating your salary can be intimidating, especially as your responsibilities grow and as an executive coach, I've witnessed firsthand how challenging it can be for women to overcome money mindset blocks and imposter syndrome when it comes to asking for what they deserve.

In today's episode, I am diving into the world of negotiations and owning your worth. You deserve to be compensated for your growing responsibilities. So, empower yourself with knowledge and confidence, and go after what you're worth!

Join me and let's negotiate our way to success together.

Tune in to discover:

💲 Why your money mindset is holding you back and what to instead

👩🏼‍💼 The two different types of women I see when it comes to negotiations

💶 Powerful strategies to negotiate your salary without a knot in your stomach!

Want more?

Read the podcast notes and full transcript here.