#111 Are You Sabotaging Your Career Progression? 7 Common Mistakes Holding Women Leaders Back

The 360 LeadHERship Podcast

Feb 7 2024 • 21 mins

Are you unknowingly sabotaging your career progression?

As a multi-award-winning executive coach, I love nothing more than supporting women like you to accelerate your career while maintaining balance.

After all, what's the use of working tirelessly if you can't enjoy the fruits of your labour?

Sometimes we think that we need to get a promotion to progress. But actually, we can make a huge impact in the role that we're already in. So whether you want to progress and get a promotion, or whether you want to increase your impact and blow your revenue targets out of the water, there's still seven big mistakes that I see very commonly.

Tune in to discover:

📈 Accelerate Your Career Progress with this ONE thing

🔑 Discover the key to climb the corporate ladder with more ease in

⏭️ The REAL impact of not tracking your workload effectively

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Read the podcast notes and full transcript here.