Wix, Weebly, Squarespace, WordPress – What’s the Difference?

Construction Marketing with Purpose

Jan 6 2023 • 25 mins

I’m going to help you figure out which site builder is right for you.

If you're doing a complete overhaul on your website, then you're asking yourself a lot of questions. What type of website should I even have? Should it be on Wix? On WordPress? Somewhere else? Where should I build this thing?

My goal is to help you get a big picture view of the differences between these systems and their features. Hopefully, this overview will jumpstart your decision making process, so you can pick the right type of site that will ultimately help you grow.

For a fully-formatted blog post of this episode, visit: https://mayecreate.com/blog/wix-weebly-squarespace-wordpress-whats-the-difference