Hiring In Today's Market with Guest April Lopinot

Construction Marketing with Purpose

Oct 7 2022 • 36 mins

Today’s hiring market is worlds away from where we were even just a few years ago.

So we asked our new friend, April Lopinot, Vice President at L. Keeley Construction, how she’s found success hiring in this new landscape. Unsurprisingly, it’s going to require making some changes, but she walks us all through how her company did, and how to implement some of those practices yourself.

Episode Highlights

Introduction to April Lopinot and Keeley - 1:35
Navigating the current hiring market - 5:23
Adjusting your business and recruitment practices - 10:00
Offering incentives and showing appreciation - 14:15
Finding quality candidates - 17:33
Treating hiring like running a business - 25:27
Testing new hiring practices - 27:00
Thinking outside the box - 30:48

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