67. What Team Building & Walking Tacos Have in Common with Guest Cindy Cox

Construction Marketing with Purpose

Aug 19 2022 • 44 mins

As a department of one, Cindy Cox, Employee Relations Manager for Lionmark, has hands in hiring, evaluations, team building and so much more. We sat down with her to learn the secrets to doing it all. Come to find out, it’s all about finding a shared purpose, building a community, and yes, sharing a walking taco or two.


Introduction of Cindy Cox - 1:12

Overview of Lionmark - 5:30

Incorporating company values to keep employees - 9:24

How to break up staff cliques and encourage team building - 15:01

Best practices for finding new staff - 19:03

Utilizing HR software to lighten the workload - 25:10

Creating systems for time and people management - 33:01

Holding effective employee evaluations - 36:31

Where to find more about Lionmark - 42:20

For a fully-formatted article version of this podcast, head over to our website: https://mayecreate.com/blog/what-team-building-and-walking-tacos-have-in-common/