The Indian Dream Trailer

The Indian Dream

Apr 15 2021 • 1 min

Welcome to The Indian Dream podcast! Our goal is to help entrepreneurs build profitable businesses. We've spoken to more than a hundred founders & investors - our biggest lesson is that we should focus on niche markets to find profitable opportunities.

Here's how we do it - we have Trends episodes where each week, we do a deep dive into a business trend that is exploding in India and find the opportunities for you to build profitable businesses. We've dug deep into the hemp industry, seaweed farming, blockchain, and many more niches to help YOU find your next big business.

Every week, we also host Business Munchies where we discuss business ideas across domains and how they can be profitable businesses. We've gone deep on opportunities in the helicopter rental business, the toy industry, virtual exhibitions and many more.

Lastly, on our Founder Journey episodes we showcase playbooks that were used successfully to build profitable businesses. We've hosted the founders of Tally Solutions, Naturals Ice Creams, and several other succesful entrepreneurs to learn their secrets!

So click on that play button if you want to learn the latest business ideas, trends and playbooks.