Virtual Horizons

World of Dragons

Mar 16 2023 • 2 hrs 1 min

Greetings Listeners, today the Dragons will be reviewing the book Virtual Horizons, by Kris Schnee, which takes place in a futuristic earth where full dive VR and eventually uploading is possible.

Honestly not very dragon centric, but the main character gets a gryphon avatar, which we believe fits the role of a non-human pov.  More important than that though, we decided to tackle this book because of the discussion presented within it between the main characters about the ethics and morality of uploading.  Is it still you, or a machine?  Should we flock to 'virtual heaven' and give up on the real world?  topics like that, that the main characters struggle with.

Join us as we take part in this discussion ourselves, and touch on the topic of AI, talking with and befriending them, letting them become important 'people', and the like.

The outro for this episode is a clip Rei felt was relevant to the discussion.  The full song can be found here:

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