Pulling Myself Out of a Rut

Growth and Goals Podcast

Mar 4 2024 • 20 mins

I have been in a funk recently. Every once in a while I get in these ruts where I don't feel like doing anything and I am so tired of my life feeling like groundhogs day just going to work, coming home, doom scrolling until way to late, going to sleep, and then waking up to do it all again the next day.

I am sick of living for the weekend and just waiting for life to happen. I can just hear my 80 year old self screaming at me to get off the couch and go live life. If you have been in a rut lately, this episode is for you.

I'm sharing my tips on how I have been pulling myself out of this funk and getting back on track. It's perfectly normal to feel down every now and again but you don't have to stay there.

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