Attract Your Tribe 102: The ☝️ Secret to Your Success?!

Awesome People Group

Mar 29 2023 • 21 mins

At no point now or ever would I claim to know it all … no one really does …. Everything I share with you on this platform and others is what I know and believe to be true at this point of my existence, knowledge and lessons I learned from my own and others experiences you are free to use this knowledge at your own will and risk! Let’s get right to it! Attract Your Tribe 101: The ☝️ Secret to Your Success?!In my opinion, we should do all things with love. This means everything we do should be done with the intention of helping others. The only way I know to best do that is to love ourselves first. I believe this should be our main focus when trying to define success.

Success can not be defined in one sentence, but is instead comprised of many things. Success can be defined as a combination of achieving goals, having joy and happiness, achieving how successful people think, and considering others. For some people, success is about having luxurious cars or a huge mansion. For others, success is about having a family that loves and supports them. Some might define success by setting achievable goals and working hard to reach them despite their circumstances.

Success means different things to different people, and everyone has their own definition of what it means to be successful. Success is driven by our own happiness; it doesn't matter what people see as success. We measure success in terms of happiness, health, wealth, and money but at the end of the day purpose should be your number one focus.

One thing is for sure, there is no single specific personality trait that can guarantee success. Many successful people have cool stories to tell about how they achieved big things in life. The secret to success is not a one-size-fits-all answer; there is no single path or formula. However, the common thread that ties all of these stories together is that these individuals faced failure and kept working hard and learning from their experiences. In the end, only you can define your own success and decide whether it's worth pursuing or not.

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