Attract Your Tribe 101

Awesome People Group

Mar 22 2023 • 19 mins

At no point now or ever would I claim to know it all … no one really does …. Everything I share with you on this platform and others is what I know and believe to be true at this point of my existence, knowledge and lessons I learned from my own and others experiences you are free to use this knowledge at your own will and risk! Let’s get right to it! Attract Your Tribe 101: Why are we there where we are and not here where we want to be? Why are relationships so hard? How to find good friends? Why I can’t find people to connect with. Is there actually a soulmate? I’m tired of chasing clients, and how to attract like-minded people? The answer to all of these questions is one little thing that’s been repeated ad nauseam all over social platforms and yet somehow there are still so many questions so many misconceptions about it! Let’s examine two concepts! 1. Opposites attract (myth) Many assume that opposites attract just like magnets 🧲 what we fail to understand is how the magnetic field actually works! It’s not about opposites it’s about lock and key! Just like two pieces of a puzzle 🧩 when we put them together they click and then we add more pieces that fit into the whole picture until all the pieces go together perfectly … in human relations this translates that you do not need someone who is the opposite of you you need someone who fits your needs and whose needs your will fit as well So it’s fair to say similarities ( meaning similar values, goals, attitudes, mentality, lifestyle … etc) attracts rather than opposites And when we say opposites we actually mean we want what we don’t have … and what this means is we need someone who will fulfill a need of ours meanwhile we fulfill their need in exchange and so on but our goal or direction in life are aligned! Or match. 2. Nothings sits idle. Everything that exists emits energy by vibrating Everything on this plane of existence operates on a vibrational frequency … people plants animals chairs cars my pen here ! Absolutely everything. Similar object have similar vibrational frequencies. You my friend also emit your light by sending out your own vibes and these vibes attract your tribe! This means if you can master the right frequency, everything is possible! Be it a new pair of shoes or making a whole mountain disappear! Now If our goal is to attract certain people with specific features and characteristics, then we need to make sure our vibe ( vibrational frequency) matches these features and characteristics. The is what it means to be your authentic self …. But first you need to clarify and define who you are and what you want. With that clarity in mind you begin to emit your energy. This means anything and everything you say do must be representative of these things that you discovered about yourself.