Ep 81| Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

She Finds Joy

Aug 10 2022 • 28 mins

Are you afraid of making decisions? Asking your boss for a raise? Launching your own business? Asking for what you want in your relationship? What prevents us from taking the actions we need in our lives to get to the next level? FEAR!

Fear is one of the greatest obstacles to our success because with fear comes uncomfortableness and many people wait for uncomfortableness to leave before they act. In this episode, I’m going to teach you why you must learn to feel uncomfortable, to feel the fear, and do it anyway!

What’s in the episode:

  • Why “action” is the bridge between our inner world and outer world
  • The inner journey it takes to get the outer results we want
  • How to move from stuckness to action
  • The mindset it takes to play in the arena of bigness

“Many times our fears are so strong and dramatic that they keep us stuck. ” - Kim Strobel

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You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy, and in the free private, She Finds Joy Facebook community.