Ep 70| Radical Acceptance: The Secret to a Happy Life

She Finds Joy

Mar 9 2022 • 20 mins

Kim reflects on a lesson she took to heart this past year, and she reflected on year 48 of her life and what is taught her, how she grew, and the work she’s done on herself.  She worked on Radical Acceptance, which means that she is working on releasing bitterness and resentment over things she couldn’t and can’t control.

It wasn’t easy work, but once she quit resisting the way certain things or people were in her life, she experienced a whole new level of peace and freedom. And because she did this work on herself this last year, she has experienced new levels of abundance, happiness, peace, and wellbeing.

What’s in the episode:
  • What is radical acceptance and why does it work?
  • How does practicing acceptance free us from the binds that keep us in bitterness?
  • How can we accept ourselves and our situations while also wanting to change in positive ways?
  • What gets in the way of our ability to accept and how to break free.
  • Where our power lies and how to step into it.

“I've discovered is that I'm a lot happier and more at peace when I accept people or circumstances or situations as they are rather than wishing it was different.”  Kim Strobel

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Kim’s Happy Academy Waitlist!

If you’re tired of putting yourself on the back-burner and ready to learn powerful strategies for increasing your happiness levels and reclaiming your life, you might want to grab a spot on the Happy Academy Waitlist. Over 17,000 people signed up for this 10-month program last year, so you are gonna want to be one of the first to know when we open the doors! Get on the waitlist here.

You can follow Kim’s journey on Instagram at @KimStrobelJoy, and in the free private, She Finds Joy Facebook community.