Episode 56: Shadow Work for Teachers and Therapists with Nir Esterman

A More Beautiful Life with Kate White

Jan 18 2023 • 45 mins

I asked Nir Esterman to return for us to have a conversation about his shadow work. Our last conversation had several short explorations of several topics, so in this podcast, we had a longer conversation about how we can be better leaders, teachers and therapists.

After 30 minutes, Nir asks a set of hard questions that are simple indicators that your shadow is in operation. They include:

  • What is going on? Am I really myself now?
  • Am I representing something for someone?
  • Am I caught up in a dynamic?
  • Am I becoming judgmental towards someone?
  • Am I becoming superior?
  • Do I feel repulsed by someone?
  • Do I act differently toward this client and student than with other ones?
  • Am I attracted to the student?
  • Is there something in someone I like and I like in myself?
  • I am asking these questions

Nir Esterman (M.Sc),  A teacher of Family Constellations and Embodied Shadow Work.  The developer of the Shadow Constellations approach. A body psychotherapist (Grinberg method).

Nir  is a staff member in the Constellation Path school, the Systemic Trauma  online University and Embodiment facilitator course Russia.  Nir's  teaching is focused on helping professionals to become deeper, safer  and more successful. He works mainly with therapists, facilitators,  coaches, practitioners and teachers.


Our previous discussion: https://www.patreon.com/posts/episode-53-nir-75605495