Episode 50: A Conversation About Preventing and Healing Birth Trauma with Abi Blakeslee and Kate White

A More Beautiful Life with Kate White

Aug 31 2022 • 35 mins

This is a deeper dive in to the dynamics around preventing and healing birth trauma with Kate White and Abi Blakeslee. They are teaching together in November, 2022

https://prenatal-and-perinatal-healing-online-learning.teachable.com/p/advanced-somatic-resolution-skills-for-perinatal-traumaYou will hear:

4:40 Kate
What  is the role of the autonomous nervous system and the physiology of  stress and threat response before, during and after birth?

Layers of experience: trauma before birth, how they are with themselves and families
Fear of hospitals & doctors, idea of how the birth “should” go, after birth - feeling safe in the body after, to “open”

Abi: Help providers catch cues to help them recognize what mother/family is going through.
How the birth does not necessarily follow even the best “birth plan”
Teaching to check inside, feelings, physical feelings. Notice temp. Flow, vibration - the language of the ANS. 9:10

Kate: Dream of supporting families with this model of care: 12:00
Training to support. Caregivers developing relationship w/ ANS help them feel  the rhythms in the babies and people they care for.

Kate start this relationship w/ baby in pregnancy

Abi - Name the states we feel

Abi - understanding the baby’s experience
Ways baby respond to your rhythms - movement - getting to know each other

Kate Impact of Birth Trauma

Kate - Acknowledgement of experience
Affirm experience, how the nervous system protects us, repair later
Abi - Checking in with body when being acknowledged, or when feeling remnants of birth experience so we can leave it in the past

Kate - empower practitioner to understand so they can affirm the experience

33:52 Ending and final words

Dr. Abi Blakeslee, SEP, CMT, MFT, Ph.D., integrates Somatic Experiencing with clinical research, the psychobiological principles of attachment, psychodynamic therapy, and somatic bodywork in her practice and teaching. She has conducted original research on the role of implicit memory in Somatic Experiencing with a committee that included Dr. Daniel Siegel.

Dr. Blakeslee holds a Masters of Arts in Counseling and Depth Psychology, and a Ph.D. in Clinical and Somatic Psychology. She is interested in the intersection between neuroscience, current trauma research, and the psychobiological principles of Somatic Experiencing.

She works with individuals, couples, children, and families and treats a broad base of issues.

Dr. Blakeslee currently resides in Bozeman, MT with her husband, two young boys, and a young daughter. She focuses on providing faculty-level individual and group consultations to all levels of Somatic Experiencing students, teaching SE trainings and somatic workshops, and presenting at professional conferences.

If you would like to be informed about Dr. Blakeslee's upcoming professional workshops, Somatic Experiencing Trainings, conference presentations, or webinars, please fill in your contact information below.

Abi's Websites:


