Moving From Fear to Love with Maria Saraphina

The Soulful Mind

May 13 2024 • 43 mins

Maria Saraphina was a top executive making enough money that she didn’t want for anything. Someone from the outside would look at her and think she had it all. But behind closed doors, when she went home at the end of the day, she would cry. She wasn’t happy.

On a yoga retreat that she went on to find herself and figure out what she was supposed to do with the rest of her life. What was the path she was supposed to go down. On the very last day, a women she met, suggested becoming a coach and instantly everything aligned. She knew her direction.

Maria is an International Spiritual Business Coach, Radical Love Rebel, Energy Worker, Catalyst & Facilitator with clients & customers on almost every continent of the world.

Using her unique combination of spiritual business coaching, intuitive wisdom and energetic alignment she supports executives, professionals, business owners and leaders across the globe with inner and outer growth, strategy, action and accountability.

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Maria Seraphina