13. What I Learned From Being in Jenna Kutcher’s Mastermind (and the Post That Went Viral)

The Lightworkers’ Guide | Spirituality, Health & Wellness, Human Design, the Gene Keys, and the Law of Attraction

Mar 7 2023 • 16 mins

In this episode of The Lightworker’s Guide podcast, I share one of the key things I learned from Jenna Kutcher’s Mastermind. When I first started following Jenna Kutcher on Instagram, she was a wedding photographer and I was a wedding invitation designer. Soon after, I began to pivot my business to focus on the launch of the Intentional Planner. In perfect timing, Jenna announced her first business mastermind, I applied and to my joy, was accepted! And then, soon after that, Jenna shared something on Instagram that struck the hearts of millions and her post went viral. Hear all about it and how you can take this one key strategy into your business today too.

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(1:07) Before my daughter was born, I was a dance teacher. Hear how fast things changed for me.

(4:01) Hear how I rebranded my company after starting as a stationery shop on Etsy.

(4:48) Fast forward to 2018, I applied for Jenna’s first mastermind and got accepted!

(8:21) In Jenna’s mastermind, we had 3 in-person retreats and I met so many inspiring women.

(10:04) Let’s chat about content pillars and why they’re important.

(13:37) What pillars do you use to share your heart with your people?

(14:14) My five content pillars.


“What are the five things you will consistently share so people can get to know you?”

“My friend, you are the brand. Show up. Share your heart. And serve your people.”

“If you are building a personal brand, I should be able to go to your Instagram right now and see just by looking at your feed who you are.”


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