5. Human Design History and an Introduction to The Gene Keys | Part 2 and The Gift of Freshness (Gene Key 1)

The Lightworkers’ Guide | Spirituality, Health & Wellness, Human Design, the Gene Keys, and the Law of Attraction

Sep 17 2022 • 25 mins

The Gene Keys book opens up as an invitation to begin a new journey in your life. Regardless of outer circumstances, you have something beautiful hidden inside of you. The sole purpose of the Gene Keys is to bring that beauty out—to unveil your eternal spark of genius that sets you apart from everyone else.

Biology points towards an amazing truth—your DNA is actually not in control of your destiny. It’s your attitude towards life that tells your DNA the kind of person you want to become. This means that every thought, every feeling, every word, every action that you make in life is imprinted in every single cell of your body. Negative thoughts and emotions actually cause your DNA to contract, whereas positive thoughts and emotions cause it to expand and relax. This process is going on all the time, from the moment you come into the world to the moment you leave.

You are the architect, or as I like to think of it, the choreographer of your evolution. Inside of you lies great potential and beauty, and it’s limited only by the way we see ourselves and the world around us.

So what are the GKs? If I had to say in a single line what the Gene Keys are, I would say they are a universal language made up of 64 genetic archetypes which allow you to completely re-envision yourself and recreate your life at a level limited only by your own imagination.

They are made up of 64 codes of consciousness and each code has 3 frequencies: the Shadow, Gift, and Siddhi. These codes are in each one of us. Some of these codes are found in our Human Design chart and when we lean into them, we discover our path to our purpose, to love, and to prosperity.

This living language of light contains three sequences:

The Activation Sequence—Discovering your genius through the four Prime Gifts

The Venus Sequence—Opening your heart in relationships

The Pearl Sequence—Attaining prosperity through service

These sequences are collectively referred to as the Golden Path. As you contemplate the message in the Gene Keys you can pay special attention to the Gene Keys that make up your Golden Path—which are also revealed in your Human Design chart.

You are worthy, powerful, and created for a unique purpose. The world needs your genius—that thing inside of you waiting to be fully realized. Let’s discover it, and use it for good, creating a legacy with your one and precious life.

Thank you for listening to the Lightworkers’ Guide podcast. You were given a Divine download and it’s your purpose to serve the world with it. I guide a select few clients per month to launch and scale their signature program. Coined the Kajabi queen, I take your brand and your vision to a whole new level. Are you ready? Apply today at lucycelebrates.com. And while you’re there, check out the show notes and all the discount codes from my favorite guides.

Until next time, Lightworker, keep on shining on. You were created for something extraordinary.

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You are seen, you are worthy, you are light.