11. The Lessons You Need To Be Reminded of To Focus on the Things That Matter, With Capri Celebrating Her 13th Birthday

The Lightworkers’ Guide | Spirituality, Health & Wellness, Human Design, the Gene Keys, and the Law of Attraction

Jan 19 2023 • 20 mins

Grab your tissues, friend. Lucy interviews her daughter, Capri, as she shares the 13 life lessons she’s learned. Listen in as Capri shares wisdom beyond her years.

My love,

You are so special. I’m most grateful that God and your Soul chose me to be your momma. I love you fiercely with all of my heart. My prayer is you continue to grow and evolve into the highest version of yourself and that all of your dreams come true. Know that you always have me by your side to support you through everything—no matter what.

Continue to radiate your kind and witty spirit, and you will attract everything you desire in this life. As Poppa would tell me, "Touch the sky."

Always and in all ways, I love you.



“Live your life to the fullest.” - Capri

“Get used to change and stop fearing it.” - Capri

“Don’t be afraid of removing negativity in your life if it isn’t serving you well.” - Capri

“Life is a competition with the person you were yesterday.” - Capri

“Preparation is a stepping stone to success.” - Capri

“Anything forced isn’t worth fighting for.” - Capri

“Don’t waste time on things that don’t matter.” - Capri

“You control your attitude—your attitude toward a situation is entirely up to you.” - Capri

“You can either keep focusing on what you don’t like about your life or make an effort to change it. The choice is yours, and so is the life that you live everyday.” - Capri

“You are seen, you are worthy, you are light.”


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