12. The #1 Way To Get Unstuck and Gain Clarity on Your Business

The Lightworkers’ Guide | Spirituality, Health & Wellness, Human Design, the Gene Keys, and the Law of Attraction

Feb 28 2023 • 13 mins

If you are feeling stuck in confusion about the next steps in your business—What your offer is? What your niche is? What your unique position is in the world? This episode is for you. Today we are going to talk about how to get unstuck and gain clarity on your business. You’ll hear the steps Lucy took to move out of confusion and gain clarity in her business.

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(0:48) Are you feeling stuck in confusion? This episode is for you.

(1:32) Even after years of running a business, even Lucy has days of confusion.

(2:11) Do you consume more than you create? Decide to create more than you consume.

(3:13) Hear what it looked like for Lucy to take massive action.

(4:44) Here are the challenges Lucy faced when trying to launch her program.

(6:33) Lucy got out of her own way and she got her download!

(7:36) Hear who Lucy decided to focus on with her course and services.

(11:13) The thing that is aligned with Lucy finally hit her. While she’s preparing, she’s claiming the space.

(12:12) The best way to get unstuck: Set your intention and expect to receive it!


“What if you did know? What do you know to be true?”

“Create more than you consume.”

“Whenever I get out of my way and started taking massive action, things crystalize very quickly.”

“Podcasts give people a way to take you into their life.”

“Social media is the place where you connect with your audience. But, podcasting is where you serve them.”


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