Liane Davey: Embracing Conflict for Team Success

Conversations with Keita Demming

Feb 16 2024 • 40 mins

Explore the world of innovation through discomfort with renowned author and team consultant, Liane Davey. Known for her bestselling books and contributions to Harvard Business Review, Liane brings a wealth of experience in leadership and team effectiveness.

Discover the concept of 'conflict debt' and the value of addressing tough conversations head-on. Learn how incorporating regular 'conflict hygiene' can strengthen team dynamics and prevent breakdowns. Liane emphasizes the importance of embracing manageable conflicts to foster a cohesive team environment.

Key takeaways:

  1. Addressing Conflict Proactively: Embrace discomfort and tackle tough conversations head-on to prevent the accumulation of 'conflict debt' within teams.
  2. Promoting Conflict Hygiene: Incorporate regular discussions about conflicts to strengthen team dynamics and prevent larger issues from arising.
  3. Embracing Manageable Conflicts: Recognize the value of managing manageable conflicts as a means of fostering a cohesive team environment and driving innovation.

Liane Davey's links:

Hi, I'm your podcast host Keita Demming: Author, Advisor, Thought Partner & Coach.

I'm an award-winning educator and coach with a PhD in Adult Education and Workplace Learning who works to transform companies into places that are idea-driven and people-centered.

At The Covenant Group, I design training programs and coach entrepreneurs and business leaders to meet their strategic goals and build their businesses.

In my book, Strategy to Action: Run Your Business Without It Running You, I introduce an effective and straightforward tool to elevate your skills as a business professional and navigate the corporate world. The book offers practical insights on transforming strategies into tangible results.

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