You can have more money!!


Mar 2 2023 • 15 mins

Hello and welcome to this weeks podcast about M O N E Y.
There are so many wrong beliefs people adopt about money because roughly by age 7 you will have the money beliefs set within your mind.
The beliefs you have can only work for you if you stop and recognise the negative ones you may have taken on board from parents or those in your environment growing up and re wire positive, good beliefs in place of them.
The issue these days is people generally chase money and want over night financial success BUT if you dig in to history and read the stories about financial success you will find it is an inside game that attracts money to you.
Do not chase money!!
You can always start fresh today and adapt money beliefs to serve you, even if you are in debt right now, do not judge yourself based in the now, use the now to start again and progress towards what you want.
Learn how to manage yourself and money, visualise and keep growing and expanding who you are so you can invite opportunity and more money TO you.
Love always :)