
Dec 22 2022 • 8 mins

It can feel cringy to say or think about 'loving yourself' but you can break that old thinking and become aware of the power and truth of what it is and why it is vital for your life.
When you love who you are, you support yourself and others in a way that is healthy.
The friendships and relationships you attract become healthier and long lasting because you are aware of why you deserve more and avoid falling into the net of filling someone else's need.
If you fill or have others fill your need then how can you possibly get the unique life that is designed for you? You can't.
Friendships and relationships should never be because you think you can't have what you want. You should never replace needs in your life with people or things because what happens is you can prevent them from having the life they deserve too!! Do you want that to be you?.
Loving you equals growth for you and attracts the people and things in to your life you should have, they are yours to have.
I invite you to try the challenge at the end of the audio, if you apply it and use it, you will wonder how you lived the way you did before when choosing relationships and friendships.
Grab your favourite drink, listen to the audio and you can pause it and take notes to help you grasp this amazing truth.