Don't Fear The Filter: Finding Your Tribe and Self-Worth

They Call Me Mista Yu

Apr 29 2024 • 21 mins

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Have you ever awoken from a dream so vivid, it felt like a message for your waking life? That's precisely what unfolded for me, and it served as the inspiration for our latest soul-stirring conversation. We navigated the significance of filtering in our daily existence, starting with an intimate recount of a cafeteria dream that symbolized our search for nourishment in life's common spaces. This allegory brought to light the bravery required to seek new environments that truly align with our hunger for growth. Throughout the episode, we unravel how this quest for the right spaces and communities has the power to transform our path.

Joined by the insightful Robb D. Thompson, author of "The Ten Critical Laws of Relationship," we examined the influence of relationships on our self-worth and life’s direction. This is one of my top five favorite books for a reason! What profound insight on how to identify and deal with unhealthy relationships. As the dialogue unfolded, we discussed how the people we surround ourselves with can either uplift us toward our dreams or act like crabs in a bucket, pulling us down into the depths of stagnation. We also sought spiritual guidance, urging listeners to pray for revelation when faced with the confines of a metaph

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“They Call Me Mista Yu” is not a podcast show about my life but we talk family, life, sports, and culture! We're the All Purpose Pod for an All Purpose Life because we talk about topics and provide information that affects the whole person. Health, nutrition, family, sports, relationships. Live eps on Monday morning at 9am EST and multiple live shows during the week! Follow us on IG: @theycallmemistayu, on Twitter: @TheyCallMeMrYu and on FB: @tcmmistayu. As always enjoy the music! Coach Out!

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