"Make It Better Than It Was - Part 2"

They Call Me Mista Yu

May 10 2024 • 19 mins

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Embark on a transformative journey with us as we harness the ancient wisdom of biblical parables to fuel our modern quest for personal and communal growth. Drawing from the profound narratives of Luke and Matthew, we reveal how each of us can be a beacon of positive change, not just within ourselves but radiating out to society at large. We delve into the essence of faithfulness, challenging you to embrace your true potential and share your unique gifts with the world rather than be the servant who buries their talents. As your coach, I'm here to guide you through overcoming fears and stepping into a purpose-driven life that not only enriches your own experiences but elevates those around you.

In our enlightening conversation, we also confront the sorrow of unfulfilled potential, with Dr. Miles Monroe's poignant words serving as a stark reminder of what's at stake. We unravel the scriptures of Luke 8:17 and the rich tales of the Book of Numbers to illustrate how perception and faith dictate our actions and the seizing of opportunities. This episode is a clarion call for transparency, courage, and a mindset geared towards positive action—urging you to uncover buried information and actualize the potential that could transform not just your life, b

Thank you for listening to the All Purpose Pod for an All Purpose Life and your Weekly Mirror Check before you go change the world! You can find and subscribe to our show on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Theycallmemistayu

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“They Call Me Mista Yu” is not a podcast show about my life but we talk family, life, sports, and culture! We're the All Purpose Pod for an All Purpose Life because we talk about topics and provide information that affects the whole person. Health, nutrition, family, sports, relationships. Live eps on Monday morning at 9am EST and multiple live shows during the week! Follow us on IG: @theycallmemistayu, on Twitter: @TheyCallMeMrYu and on FB: @tcmmistayu. As always enjoy the music! Coach Out!

>>Watch and subscribe to They Call Me Mista Yu on our YouTube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU82wsDt-p7DOm3nRy9BAmA

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