Unlocking Revenue using Marketing Automation

Digital Horizons

Oct 13 2023 • 39 mins

Are you looking to generate more revenue while your business operates on autopilot? Then you'll want to join me and digital marketing expert Lauren as we unpack the game-changing benefits of automation. Utilizing platforms like Klaviyo, we dive into how to maximize your marketing strategy through A/B testing for email campaigns.

Switching gears, we focus on how your business can optimize automated email flows for a direct revenue boost. We share strategies such as creating dynamic coupons for abandoned cart emails, setting up a welcome flow with a discount incentive, and how crucial it is to capture customer emails at the beginning of their journey. An intriguing discussion on how these elements tie into the abandoned cart flow and the potential for increased customer conversion awaits you.

As we crescendo into our final segment, we investigate email automation from a lead generation perspective. We share how businesses can harness platforms like Google Ads to capture emails and engage potential customers. Moreover, we delve into SMS automation and the benefits of a fully integrated sales pipeline. The cherry on top? We discuss how to choose a software that fits your budget and meets your needs. So don't miss out on this insightful episode, packed with practical tips and actionable insights you can apply today.