How To Stop Wasting Money On Google Ads

Digital Horizons

Feb 5 2024 • 21 mins

Unlock the secrets to optimising your Google Ads campaigns with the sage advice of Brent Neale.

From the overlooked default settings that could be siphoning your budget to the sly automated features that promise much but deliver questionable value, our latest Digital Horizons podcast episode is your guide through the maze of Google Ads optimisation.

Brent and I dissect the critical importance of location targeting and why flipping off Google's default suggestions could be the best move you make for your ad efficiency. If you're tired of watching your ad dollars drift into the digital void, then this episode is the beacon you've been searching for.

As we navigate the treacherous waters of campaign settings, automated recommendations, and keyword management, you'll understand the distinction between an ad strategy that merely survives and one that thrives. Learn why treating all conversions as equal can mislead your campaign's performance and how to structure your account for maximum control and effectiveness. Whether you're a small business owner taking your first steps into online advertising or a seasoned marketer looking to fine-tune your approach, Brent's expertise, shared in our conversation, is an invaluable resource. Join us and transform your Google Ads from money pits into wellsprings of profit.