Embracing Uncertainty on the Pathless Path with Paul Millerd

Life After Medicine

Apr 25 2024 • 36 mins

Did you grow up hearing clichés like "Nobody likes their job" or "Work is just supposed to suck"? From a young age, we are conditioned to believe that adulthood means doing things you don’t want to do.

But does that have to be true?

In this episode, I interview Paul Millerd, thought leader and author of "The Pathless Path,”. He left a career in strategy consulting to find a life of joy and creativity outside the conventional ladder of achievement.

In this episode, we explore what happens when you blow up your old life and start treating your life as if it's an experiment. What happens when you prioritize spending time on what you enjoy? And how do you explain this new approach to other people who may be skeptical?

This episode is going to be that inspiring push you need to face your fears and step into the unknown.

Guest Links:
Grab a copy of “The Pathless Path” HERE
Facebook: Paul Millerd
Instagram: @pathlesspaul
Linkedin: Paul Millerd

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