Karina Mora: Season 9 Intro

Elevating La Cultura Podcast

Apr 2 2024 • 7 mins

Welcome back for a new season!!!

When I was thinking about the topic of this season, I was like, I’ve done pretty much all the topics. I’ve also been getting pitches from more brilliant Latinas via Linked in, Instagram, Website, in person…all the ways…and I wanted to create a season that could feature an array of positions and areas of expertise.

So after thinking about it for a while, and after an amazing one day summit, and as I start recording for the season, all of these jefas are showcasing and sharing their brilliance; their Latina Brilliance. I know it’s a little cheesy…or as my kids say cringe. But for real. The chingonas that I’ve interviewed so far for this season are truly making moves and changing the narrative for the future generations, and it’s because of their lived experiences, their stories that have impacted them in a way that has propelled them forward.

IG: @karinamora_prints & @elevatinglacultura

I’m so excited to bring you these amazing conversations.

There will be a new episode every Tuesday, so after you listen feel free to take a screenshot to post on IG and tag @elevatinglacultura or send me a DM. You can also comment on our YouTube video if you’re watching online. I always like to hear from people and how they resonate with the stories I share. SO leave a review on apple podcasts so we can get more ears listening to these stories and we can continue elevating la cultura.

And if you haven’t already, join the Elevating la Cultura comunidad on FB.  We also host monthly comadre networking events so if you’re in Chicago join us for one of those. All upcoming events can be found on the website elevatinglacultura.com to see what in person events I’ve got going on for you.

Alright, enjoy the rest of the day/afternoon/evening whenever you’re listening, y nos vemos next week with our first guest for Season 9.