The real reason for morning routines

The Expansive Entrepreneur

Sep 5 2023 • 22 mins

In this episode, I explore the truth about morning routines and their link to success. Drawing from my own journey and observations, I challenge the misconception that a fixed morning routine is the key to achievement. Instead, I emphasize the importance of intentional habits that align with our desired energy throughout the day.

"Aligning to a higher frequency, stepping into the energy that you want to carry through the day, the week, the month, the year. That is the work."- Sarah Lambert

Topics Covered:

  • Exploring the misconception that a structured morning routine is essential for success.
  • Highlighting the significance of understanding the true purpose behind morning rituals and how they affect your energy.
  • Embracing the idea of crafting your own routine that aligns with your individual needs and circumstances.
  • Discussing the power of allowing yourself to rest and adapt your routine on days when you're not feeling your best.
  • Shifting away from judgment and granting yourself permission to prioritize rest and self-care.
  • Exploring various practices such as exercise, gratitude, meditation, and visualization as tools for shifting your energy.
  • Recognizing the impact of movement, even simple stretches or dancing, in starting your day with a positive outlook.
  • Moving beyond rote gratitude journaling to actively feeling and embodying the emotions of gratitude and abundance.
  • Understanding that any positive action, whether making your bed or engaging in physical activity, can set a productive tone for the day.
  • Emphasizing the power of intentionality and adaptability in aligning with the energy you want to carry throughout the day, irrespective of external circumstances.

Join Evolve, the 12-week program focused on completely rewiring your subconscious, overcoming your blocks, and aligning to your higher desires so that you can achieve more than you could imagine.-

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