Why do we need Temples when God is everywhere?

Personality Development

Nov 27 2023 • 7 mins

This video is a small piece taken from the episode number 115 named as "Practical Lessons from Bhagvad Gita" Hope you like it. Many people ask me and I am sure many people who believe in God are asked this question, why do we need temples when God have their own kingdom, God does not need temples, God is everywhere. So in this episode, when a community member asked this question and she had told that she is a strong believer of God, but she is being asked this question a lot of times and she didn't knew what to answer them? I hope this gives answers to all the people who ask this question. If you want to listen to the full episode, you can always follow the below link. https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/wpleRkH42Eb