E57: Power Your Profits with Susie Carder

Women Emerging Fearlessly

Feb 21 2021 • 50 mins

Power Your Profits

Welcome, listeners, to Women Emerging Fearlessly, the podcast dedicated to helping women live with fearless confidence, and to know how amazing they truly are. I’m your host, Janelle Anderson, and in Episode 57, you’ll hear my conversation with Susie Carder.

Susie, a profit coach, started out as a low-paid hairdresser trying to support her two daughters, but then she decided to do whatever it took to create her own business. After much “blood, sweat and tears,” she went on to create two $10 million companies! She has the ability to simplify complicated issues by creating simple systems for creating dramatic growth in business. She has helped over 100,000 entrepreneurs increase their revenues by more than 3000%.

In this episode, we discuss simple practices you can put into place to start building wealth, why Susie believes that wealth is your birthright, what has been her true motivation to build wealth, and why it should be yours, too.

Susie’s Big Money Business Summit is coming up on February 26, 2021. If you’re listening to this episode before that date, be sure to register now to jump in with me! Here is the link to register!

If you would like more information about Susie, you can find it at www.susiecarder.com. Check out her helpful free spreadsheet for learning how many qualified leads you need to reach your revenue goals in your business. She also has a new book out called Power Your Profits.

If you enjoyed the show, subscribe to it wherever you listen to podcasts, and please consider leaving a positive review. If you’d like to work with Janelle on becoming fearlessly confident, email her at janelle@emerginglifecoaching.com.

Website: www.emerginglifecoaching.com




Podcast theme music by composer Jared LeDoux; www.jaredledoux.com

Podcast produced by: Shana T.; www.shanatphoto.com