Max Joye with K9 Karma

Dawgs & Divas

Mar 25 2022 • 45 mins

Today we interviewed former Army veteran and former Sheriff's Deputy in Kansas. We discuss his lifelong goal of being a canine handler and how a chance encounter with the founder of Feherty's Troops First Foundation, Rick Kell put that dream in motion and aided in our paths crossing.

In 2018 Max and K9 Karma were paired together and immediately started seeing success on the highways of Kansas. Wait until you hear these stories of heroic acts by Karma to protect Max. To hear more about the wonderful things that Troops First is doing please check out their website at

They sure could use your help with the many projects they have going.......donate through the website or mail them a donation directly.

Also covered in this podcast is our new love for the Elite K9 semi competition bite suit. Please go to their website and check it out. Its impressive to say the least. If you call Elite K9 and place an order .....tell them you heard about the suit from our podcast and you will receive $50.00 off retail. or call 270-554-5515.
This discount is only good for a limited time and expires on the last day of March 2022.

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