143. New years resolutions got you down?

Lit AF Relationships

Jan 31 2024 • 18 mins

Have you fallen off your New Years resolutions? Me too. Well, I’ve just stopped setting them because I realized I was setting myself up for failure each year, which is why I wanted to record this episode. New Year's resolutions are tough. They rely on willpower which will motivate us for a short amount of time. But eventually, we’ll start snoozing that alarm clock, make excuses to skip the gym after work, and comfort eat a pint of ice cream. In this episode, I explain why it’s so hard to make the changes that we think we want. I also explain one tool to use to start making small steps in the direction you want to head in. I know it can feel overwhelming and a little shameful to fall off the wagon so soon. But don’t worry, you’re in the best of company with the rest of us.

If you’re interested in creating secure relationships where you are asking for your needs to be met, setting clear boundaries, and sharing your honest opinions book a free discovery call to see what attachment style patterns have been holding you back from this. Link to book: https://calendly.com/hello-3224/getting-to-secure-consult-call

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