141. Why chaos is intoxicating to the fearful avoidant

Lit AF Relationships

Jan 17 2024 • 29 mins

On today’s podcast, I talk about why the fearful avoidant attachment style loves chaos. The fearful-avoidant attachment type grew up in chaos. As an adult they tend to seek out chaotic situations like an unhealthy or toxic work environment, getting into credit card debt, or dating someone reckless. In the episode, I talk about why they seek out situations like this. I then go into how the fearful-avoidant eventually reacts to chaotic situations with an intense need to control the situation. I have so much empathy for this reaction because it’s their way of innocently trying to get their needs met without healthy communication skills. Trust me, I’ve been here, this is the attachment style I grew up with. At the end of the episode, I share one easy solution for you to start using today to build self-trust that you will eventually expand toward others. It is 100% possible to change your attachment style. Tune in to hear how.

If you’re interested in healing your attachment style so you can date people without flipping 180 degrees after they show interest in you on a date or so you can start having a healthy relationship with the person you are with schedule a free discovery call. This is a no-pressure call to learn what attachment patterns are holding you back from the relationship you want. Click the link here to schedule: https://calendly.com/hello-3224/getting-to-secure-consult-call

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