E43 The Elegance of English: A Conversation with Maria Glazunova.

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Apr 16 2024 • 1 hr 2 mins

The elegance of English.

I'd never thought of English that way, but my guest, Maria

Glazunova, explains why English has such an emotional hold her on. It's a beautiful conversation we have for you today.

Maria and I talk about:

  • her history with English: learning and teaching it
  • burnout and how that led her to adopt a dogme approach to teaching
  • how her book literally saved her life
  • how she uses a reactive teaching approach with tech professionals
  • how my Pronunciation course helped her better diagnose her clients' problems, and empowered her to teach pronunciation

Whether you're a learner of English or a teacher, or both, this episode is going to offer you plenty to think about, in addition, as usual, to lots of interesting language and messy, delightful, imperfect spoken conversational English.

And if what you hear from Mary about my Pronunciation for Teachers course makes you curious, be sure to contact me ASAP. The next course starts in May. Learn more about it here: Pronunciation for Teachers.

Transcripts are available in my newsletter. Sign up here:

English With Catherine.

Be sure to follow Maria on LinkedIn:


You can buy her book here: "How to reduce your time preparing for online classes and prevent emotional burnout."

Thanks for listening!

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Website: www.englishwithcatherine.com

Thanks always to Amos the Transparent for the theme music. They have a few new songs coming out soon, so follow them on Instagram for details about that. I'm excited!

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