E29: An homage to coffee: hot, black and strong.

Hear You Go

Oct 3 2023 • 22 mins

Jackie Chan once said that "coffee is a language in itself". Hmm...

Well, if it is, what words would you use to describe coffee?

For me, it's easy: hot, black and strong. No milk. No sugar. Unless it's a cappuccino, and then I want whole milk frothed to perfection, with a dash of cinnamon.

Ah coffee, I DO love you.

Every October 1st is International Coffee Day, and so in homage to this little bean that makes so many of us happy, let me offer this episode to you. You'll hear about the benefits of drinking coffee, the threat that the climate crisis poses for coffee and coffee growers, and then some recommendations to help make sure that all of us who love a cup of coffee can continue to enjoy it for many more years.


Thanks for listening! There are links below to resources I mentioned in the episode.

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I'm always over on Instagram, and you can also learn more about me and my work at English With Catherine.

Stay tuned for E30, coming on October 17th.


Links referenced in the episode:

  1. Podcast Without: Coffee https://open.spotify.com/episode/5j8vO4JgSn7W8JFmuvsrp9?si=TrLpWy9YSL2H5nM6gFlT7g
  2. Video about a new coffee plant: https://youtu.be/rOeLz9pXoXI
  3. Ethical Coffee Company: https://www.ethicalbean.com/

As always, special thanks to Amos the Transparent for the theme music.