E27: Taking some time to really listen...

Hear You Go

Sep 5 2023 • 23 mins

Hello lovely listeners!

In a world where everything seems to happen quickly, we often measure our progress by how many "things" we do. We're busy, busy, busy.

What if we slowed down and measured our progress by how deeply we understood what we read and listened to instead?

In Episode 27 of Hear You Go, I'd like to encourage you to take some time listening to podcasts, Hear You Go specifically and all the other ones that you love. I'll share a 5-step process that will ask you to slow down, listen a few times, and listen for more than just the main ideas or new vocabulary.

Think of the podcast like a puzzle that you build or solve, piece by piece. And at the end, you have a beautiful, full picture, and a better understanding of how the pieces fit together.

I'd like you to feel better about listening in general, and specifically, I'd like you to feel more confident listening to the sounds of spoken English. Spoken language is very different from the words on the page.

Like any new skill, this will take some time...

Today, I'll walk you through the 5 main steps I recommend you use when listening to podcasts, and if you'd like to dig deeper and explore these 5 steps with me, you can join me for The Podcast Puzzle workshop on Saturday, September 16th at 9 a.m. EST (Toronto/New York time).

Click here to register: The Podcast Puzzle.

Thank you for listening!


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Thanks to Amos the Transparent for our theme music.