E35: I just wanna get a good night’s sleep!

Hear You Go

Dec 26 2023 • 21 mins

Sleep. It seems so simple, and yet it's something many of us are struggling to get, or to get enough of.

In today’s episode of Hear You Go, we’re going to dig deeper into sleep and why so many of us seem to suffer from a lack of it. The topic is vast, so we won’t address everything. For today, we’ll explore, as I often do, the science of what sleep is, why it’s important, and how much we need. Then we’ll look at common sleep problems and the dangers of not getting enough sleep, and finally, because we want solutions, I’ll share some recommendations that might allow those of us who are sleep-deprived to sleep a little easier and better.

For more information on the way we sleep over the course of our lives, here is the article I mention in the podcast episode: Sleep Better at Every Age.

Challenge: E35 is full of phrasal verbs, quite a few in fact. How many can you hear? Can you hear how the final consonant in the first word (the verb) is often linked in sound to the following preposition? Repeat them aloud and practice using them this week.

Thank you for listening! If you would like access to the transcript and to join the members' only private community for extra materials and a monthly Zoom meeting where we discuss the podcast, join us here: Hear WE Go.

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English with Catherine

Thank you as always to Amos the Transparent for the theme music.