How can nonprofits be thought leaders?

Nonprofit Problem Solver

Oct 21 2021 • 54 mins

In this episode, I’m joined by my dear friend Julie Morris who specializes in building audiences for nonprofits and philanthropic organizations.  We start off asking what thought leadership even means and why a nonprofit organization or professional should be interested in being a thought leader - or, more to the point, being seen as a thought leader.  Because that rather is the point - leading in your field or area of mission isn’t something you can do behind closed doors. You’ve got to get out there, using all the tools and platforms available to you.  Julie gives us a step by step guide to getting started and keeping it going.  A big takeaway is that thought leadership isn’t about an exclusive club - any leader can do it, and increasingly, should.  Listen in, jot down those thoughts and ideas swirling in your head and get ready to record yourself on your phone.

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Expertly produced by Glen Munoz at PodProAudio,