Men's Mental Health Series: Psychologist Katrina Shaw on The Root of The Crisis and Where We Go From Here

The Guru in You

Jul 18 2021 • 1 hr 12 mins

Join us in this week's episode as we kick off the Men’s Mental Health series featuring a special guest, Psychologist Katrina Shaw!

Katrina became extremely passionate about this subject upon helping people in suicide bereavement, and it was when she specialized in this form of therapy that she noticed of all the humans she had seen only two had lost a woman to suicide. As she states “were missing the boat here” and it then became her soul purpose to take a deeper dive into the complexity of the issue as well as the solution. Hint: it involves us all becoming allies for one another and rising together.

In this episode, we touch on why men have difficulty opening up about their struggles, the highly recommended men’s groups and resources, finances and society's standards of a man being the “breadwinner” and how that contributes significantly to mental, physical and spiritual well-being.

As well we discuss women and men opening up a safe and vulnerable space for one another, and society's addiction and how everything being readily available can be detrimental to our health. There is so much packed into this episode and there really is a takeaway for every being.

Katrina Shaw:
IG: @yycpsychologist

Men's Group in YYC:

Women's Domestic Violence:

Women's Groups: