Tribulation to Triumph: My Personal Mental Health Journey

The Guru in You

Apr 25 2021 • 1 hr 17 mins

This episode is made to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health by creating conversations, and how I am consciously choosing to view these labels differently.

In just over an hour, you will hear my beliefs surrounding mental health and how my life is composed of small traumas and big traumas that form these "disorders". As well, what has worked for me in empowering myself and moving through the traumas that have led me to become profoundly less anxious and freer than I had ever thought possible.

I am now in the driver's seat of my life, not the anxiety and paranoia that was previously controlling my every move. Together, let's shift the narrative from one of shame to owning our unique stories by diving deep within and prioritizing the relationship we have with ourselves for good.

Small Daily Promise Planner by Dr. Nicole LaPera and Change Ways Cognitive Behaviour Manual (From Mental Health Outreach @ South Health Campus YYC):
Direct message on IG (@theguruinyoupod) for a PDF copy, or email

Soulaia Women's Empowerment Community (virtual and in-person in Calgary):

Soul Study Women's Virtual Self-Discovery Community: