The Art of Taking Action: How I Turn Dreams Into Reality

The Guru in You

Jun 2 2022 • 38 mins

I felt it would be so fititng to record an episode on The Art of Taking Action, especially when it's messy AF, because that is exactly what led me to finally hit publish after ten months of not recording!

So welcome back my fellow sisters and brothers!!! It feels both exciting and nerve wracking to get back in the saddle, but I felt called to come to this space in a different way through what has transpired in my life in the past ten months.

Many mountains have been since scaled with potent wisdom learned on the journey, I arrive here now to once again open this space and infuse the highest integrity of my existence, pouring my heart and soul out for you to listen to.

I am someone who has been through "it", who is currently going through "it". It being the transition many of us are currently in. The transition out of the old 'indiviualistic' way of living and staying complacement and yet wanting more.

If you have been yearning for more richness in your life,  where your income is matched with your passion + purpose, one where you are genuinely thriving around the people and places that support your highest growth. Where joy and freedom is the norm, then join me in pushing the boundaries of what we believe is possible for ourselves and let's forge a new path TOGETHER.

This is my offering to you in this episode:

- Examples of personal and relatable stories when I choose to take action despite not having 'all of my ducks in a row' and the victory that followed
- Finding ways to get comfortable with the discomfort of growth
- The three keys to success that create deliberate action and build sustainable momentum
- The motivation you have been searching for to finally GET STARTED!!