Episode 24 - Finding Investors for Your Projects

Financial Freedom 101

Oct 25 2022 • 17 mins

If you are interested in property investing or even starting your own business, one of the biggest obstacles that you have to overcome is finding the money to kick start your journey. Most of us do not have the $40,000, $50,000 or more just laying around to help us get started, and even if you do, that amount probably wont get you as far as you think it will. To really accelerate your journey and get your business off the ground, you will need to find investors willing to put their trust in you and invest in your journey. If you are just starting out, this can seem like a daunting task as you probably have little to no experience. But hope is not lost as there are a lot of things you can do to increase your chances of finding and securing investors.

This episode is all about helping new International Property Investors find funding for their projects. Whether you are just starting or have a few investments already, the trick to finding investors is all about confidence and knowing what the investors are looking for. By leveraging the tasks you are already performing, as well as the experience and knowledge of your power team, you can confidently and satisfactorily address almost any concerns that potential Angel Investors have.

Are you just starting out on your journey and need help on figuring out where to start? Do you have potential investors in mind but don't know how to approach them? We are hear to help. We have been in your shoes and understand what investors want to know. If you have questions and need support, we invite you to comment on this episode or visit our website (https://www.wpconsultingsg.com) and leave us a note, we are here to help.

Want to join like-minded entrepreneurs, property investors, and network Marketers or simply interested in networking opportunities and learning more becoming financially free in a relaxed environment, then come visit and join our FB groups at https://www.facebook.com/groups/IntlPropertyInvestorsSG