A Former Secret Agent On How to Uncover Hidden Hackers

The Dejargonizer

May 19 2023 • 18 mins

Welcome to Cyber Intelligence,  where cloak-and-dagger meets AI to unmask covert hackers lurking unseen in our servers for years.

This is not your grandfather's game of cops and robbers.  In this episode we talk to Noam Jolles-Ichner from Opora. Opora is like a cyber intelligence agency on demand.

Jolles is no stranger to the world of clandestine operations, having served in Israel's  secret intelligence agency, the Shin Bet. There, in the dark forums of the Dark Net, she would take on personas of hackers to outwit terrorists and spies.

From a storytelling perspective, it was tricky to navigate between Noam's intriguing perspective on the world we know so little about, and her abundant caution about revealing too much about methods. Loose lips sink podcasts.

Still, I think we managed to get to the gist: without actively incorporating old-school intelligence, or what she calls a "cognitive cyber intelligence approach", all our firewalls and security systems aren’t going to stop hackers on their own.

Most companies don't even know who their online enemy is. Opora's cyber intelligence approach can help.

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