TikTok is Fueling a Zombie Generation of Israel Haters

The Dejargonizer

Dec 9 2023 • 26 mins

  • 32% of those aged 18-29 get their news from TikTok, per Pew Research.
  • Spending at least 30 minutes a day on TikTok increases the chances a user will hold antisemitic or anti-Israel views by 17% (compared with 6% for Instagram and 2% for X).
  • For every TikTok video view with a pro-Israel hashtag in the US, there are 54 views with pro-Palestinian hashtags.
  • 5 of the top 6 hashtags on TikTok relating to the conflict are all pro-Palestinian.

Israel is getting slaughtered in the TikTok War. This episode dives into how and why.

Our guide into TikTok's overwhelming pro-Palestinian slant is Anthony Goldbloom, a data scientist and former CEO of Kaggle, which was sold to Google in 2017. Anthony is working on his next company Sumble.

Anthony unpacks his data analysis efforts to understand the balance of pro-Palestinian versus pro-Israeli content on TikTok, and why it has such a powerful impact shaping young people's views on this conflict.

Anthony Goldblum data about TikTok and anti-Semitism

Anthony Goldblum data about TikTok hashtags on pro-Palestinian to pro-Israel content

All the charts, code and data available on Github

Pew Poll: American views of Israel

Jeff Morris Jr.: The TikTok War: Why High School & College Kids Are Getting The Wrong Information about Hamas & Israel

TikTok Newsroom: The truth about TikTok hashtags and content during the Israel-Hamas war

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