Life, Engineering, and Advocacy: The Inspiring Story of Andrea Marciales Ramirez


May 20 2024 • 44 mins

In this conversation, Monica Hernandez interviews Andrea Marcilaes, a professional engineer and entrepreneur, about wearing multiple hats and finding success in different aspects of life. Andrea shares her journey into engineering, inspired by her curiosity and supportive family members. She also discusses her transition into entrepreneurship and the challenges of balancing motherhood and career. The conversation highlights the importance of embracing failure, letting go of control, and being kind to oneself. Andrea Marcilaes discusses the challenges of balancing motherhood and a career, and how she found support and understanding through the Women Engineering Summit (WES). She shares her experience of feeling isolated as a new mother and the pressure she felt to prioritize her career. Andrea emphasizes the importance of joining communities like WES to find support and learn from other women who have gone through similar experiences. She also talks about her advocacy for women in engineering and her efforts to create a more inclusive and diverse industry. Andrea's goal is to bring about a change in culture and mindset and create a positive impact for others.