E16: Ethics has Cease to Exist

Engineering Chaos

Feb 6 2024 • 2 hrs 42 mins

In this episode, the hosts discuss their caffeine addiction and the effects of caffeine on their daily lives. They share stories about their early consumption of caffeine and the challenges they face without it. The conversation also touches on the health implications of excessive caffeine intake. The hosts then go down a rabbit hole discussing energy drinks and their experiences with them. They also talk about their plans for Valentine's Day and share anecdotes about their cats and bunnies. The conversation covers various topics related to engineering ethics, including cutting nails and paw pads of pets, the code of ethics for engineers, the ethical challenges in the defense industry, and the responsibility of engineers in social media platforms. This part of the conversation focuses on the issue of incompetence in the workplace and the negative impact it has on engineering teams. It discusses the importance of on-the-job training and the lagging education system in preparing engineers for their roles. The conversation also highlights the unethical hiring practices of companies and the need for proper role placement. It emphasizes the importance of technical leads and the ethical responsibility of hiring competent people. The chapter concludes by discussing the negative impact of untrained senior leaders and the importance of following processes and ethics. The conversation delves into ethical concerns in hiring and leadership, highlighting the importance of matching skill sets and the negative impact of unethical practices. It also explores the gray areas and loopholes in ethics, emphasizing the need for a balance between following guidelines and adapting to specific project needs. The role of collaboration and leadership in creating an ethical work environment is discussed, along with the detrimental effects of micromanagement. The conversation delves into the lack of ethics in the engineering industry, particularly in relation to corruption and unethical practices. The speakers discuss how engineering ethics have ceased to exist, with engineers prioritizing personal gain and financial incentives over the betterment of the public. They highlight the prevalence of corruption in various sectors, including commercial, defense, and civil government. The conversation also touches on the challenges of navigating performance reviews and the impact of leadership on ethics. The speakers express their frustration with the current state of engineering and the need for change. In this episode, KC and Ashley discuss their experiences attending different schools and the impact it had on their lives.

To get in contact with the Hosts please e-mail: engineeringchaospod@gmail.com or reach out to them on YT, Tik Tok and IG @engineerchaospod

For inquiries about personal training & nutrition coaching with KC, please reach out to:
chaosfitnessfl@gmail.com or find her on IG, FB, and Tik Tok @itscoachkc

To become a chaos gremlin and hang out with KC & Ash, join the Chaos Realm discord: https://discord.gg/F8mdTuzxBp

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