STORYTIME: A Hike to Ice Lakes CO

GenXTalkin - On Being Prepared

Oct 18 2022 • 8 mins

More from GenXTalkin

Today we’ll be talking through a great little adventure I had a couple of years back while hiking in colorado.

So what are some applications we can take from this Storytime?

First on a positive note, always keep in mind how important it can be to practice what you preach. How else will we learn if and how the contents of our bug out bags work if we never use them?  Taking a long hike, even a multi day hike is a great way to test out some of the components of our bug out bags.

Consider looking at weather and conditions ahead of a trip - I’m sure I still would have gone, even if I’d heard about a foot of snow at the top. But my fellow traveler?  He may have either reconsidered the trip, or he may have made additional preparations. Better shoes, more water, maybe some food?  But then, this also could have been his way of presenting himself with a scenario and seeing how he responds and gets through it.

Consider the possibility of running into others and be prepared to help. Now there is always the possibility of meeting others on a trail while hiking or biking or just in general while traveling.  And in many cases, we’re hard pressed enough to want to carry food and other supplies just for ourselves.  But when measuring out the weight of adding an extra power bar, or another life straw water filter, consider how important having the means to help others might be.  After all, one is none and two is one, right?  This also could mean you yourself might have something that another person might really benefit from.

Consider that even though we may feel better hiking or biking alone - I certainly do. Almost always we can be better together. Having multiple people in an event to support each other - physically, mentally, emotionally can be very important, and can mean the difference between the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat.

Oops, my GenX is showing….

Hope this helps at least someone out there respond well and recover faster.

until next time, this is Matt Marshall signing off.

Would you be prepared? Are you prepared?

Choosing to be more prepared every day is a skill. One that should be honed. Focusing on growing just a little everyday will allow us all to be prepared to respond well and recover faster.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments about prepping, so please reach out and share as you can.

Until next time… this is monk signing off… better be prepared