218 \\ NEUROSCIENCE SERIES | Unlock Abundance and Business Growth by Mastering Your Brain’s Reticular Activating System to Get More Coaching Clients.

Bibles, Babies, & Business - Christian Entrepreneur, Stay at Home Mom, Coaching Business, Making Money Online, Marketing and Sales Strategies

Mar 25 2024 • 12 mins

Last year, my husband & I became interested in getting a Tesla.

(We haven't boughten a new vehicle yet, but stay with me here)

Once we started looking into the Tesla models, something interesting happened.

I started noticing MORE Tesla's on the road than I had before...

Now, we're there really more Tesla's on the road? Not necessarily.

So what was really happening?

🧠 My brain's RETICULAR ACTIVATING SYSTEM (RAS) picked up on my new interest in Tesla vehicles & started scanning my surroundings to bring Tesla vehicles into my awareness.

Your brain has an RAS too, & inside today's episode, I'll explain how you can use it to be a MASSIVE TOOL in getting more clients achieving your business goals 🤩

This episode is worth it's weight in GOLD, my friend.

Tune in!

Xoxo, Camie

⚡️ [FREE TRAINING] Learn the 4 secrets to get more high-paying clients in your coaching business! P.S. JOIN HIGH-TICKET POWERHOUSE & BE GUARANTEED TO CLOSE NEARLY $14,000 💵 ⬇️ https://www.camiewilke.com/opt-in-page-vsl

🔥 Follow me on Instagram for even more content on neuroscience, sales, & negotiation tactics! ⬇️ https://www.instagram.com/camie.wilke/